Infrastructure Requirements
- Windows Server 2008 R2 or 2012 R2 or 2016
- .NET Framework 3.5
- 4 vCPU
- 4 GB Memory
- Database from SQL Server.
Networking Requirements
- TCP 80 (HTTP). Communication between Manager and Agent.
- TCP 443 (HTTPS). Communication between Manager and Agent.
- TCP 1433 (SQL). Communication between Manager and SQL Server.
Active Directory
- A domain account for read-only account access.
[Step 1] Creating a database in SQL Server for App Volumes Manager.
- Do not use SQL Express for production environment.
- If you are planing to use Full Recovery model, recommendation is to set the size of the transaction log large enough so that the autogrow option is used only as a contingency for unexpected growth, or set the transaction log to a fixed size.
- (Optional) You can also configure a SQL Alert so that when the transaction log reaches 50 percent full, the transaction log is backed up, thus freeing it.
- Create a SQL login account. I highly recommend do not use SA account or sharing any other accounts for production environment. Always create a dedicated account.
- Select the default database to your App Volumes SQL login account.
- Disable enforce password policy.
- On the User Mapping page, select the App Volumes database and select db_owner as the role membership.
[Step 2] Installing App Volumes Manager.
- If you did not enable .NET Framework 3.5, do not worry. The App Volumes Manager will enabled it for you. You can enable it up front if you want to.
- Browse to your ISO directory, go to Installer directory and launch the setup.exe. Do not go in to the Manager folder and run the App Volumes Manager setup.
- Choose "Connect to an existing SQL Server Database"
- Type in the SQL server FQDN or IP address.
- Use the SQL login account associated with the App Volumes database.
- Choose the App Volumes database.
- Leave these settings as it is.
- In production environment, it is not recommended to have the communication port through HTTP (80). Do this only on POC environment.
- Click next all the way and it will start to install App Volumes Manager.
The next post will be configuring the start-up config. To be continued!
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